
Far cry 6 release date
Far cry 6 release date

Players adopt the character of Dani - or Danny - Rojas (right) and are aided by the former KGB agent Juan Cortez. Los Supremos are backpacks with secret weapons, inspired by the classic superheroes of Yara’s comic book culture. That’s given its citizens a very resourceful spirit, which they apply to a kit-bashed Far Cry 6 armory that looks like it’ll be a lot of fun to play with. Yara, in both story and environment, is a land under a totalitarian regime that is both physically and economically cut off from the mainstream. That exchange gave me a sense of just how much care Ubisoft Toronto - and six other supporting studios spread all around the globe from Canada to Shanghai - put into developing the fictitious, forbidden-island nation of Yara, and how much fun they had thinking up its lore. Like Yara’s 1950s-era automobiles, they’re not so much collector’s items as they are modern day relics of a nation frozen in time. You will find some of them throughout the game.”īasically, Far Cry 6 hero Dani Rojas - or Danny (players may choose a male or female protagonist) - will develop a jetpack, or the “Exterminator” rocket launcher, or the “Furioso” flame-throwing defense, to mimic the superheroes of the island’s pre-revolution comics.

far cry 6 release date

“I won’t say comic books are a giant part of the game,” Grivel continued, “but they are definitely there. When the subject of these comics, created as part of Far Cry 6’s backstory, comes up during our interview he’s positively beaming. “Supremos are inspired by Yaran comic books,” Grivel said, referring to Far Cry 6’s setting on the island nation of Yara, an in-fiction analog for Cuba. Enough said.īut David Grivel, Far Cry 6’s lead designer, and his team came up with a backstory for these Supremo contraptions anyway.

far cry 6 release date

When bad shit goes down, it will unload a brutal attack when they need it most - like firing off a barrage of rockets. 7, 2021, players will strap on the Supremo backpack of their choice. On its face, Far Cry 6’s newest class of weapon, the Supremo, doesn’t need any justification.

Far cry 6 release date